2015 Meeting Minutes
Rush County Genealogical Society Meeting Minutes
January 10, 2015
The Rush County Genealogical Society meeting was called to order by President Carol Jones at 11:00 am at the Rushville Elks Lodge with six in attendance.
The minutes of the November 8, 2014 meeting were read by secretary Katrina Cooper. The minutes were approved.
Unable to attend, Shirley Biehl, treasurer, sent her report in of our balance of $3,359.73. Katrina Cooper will send reminder letters to any who have not paid their 2015 dues.
It was reported that Rush County Historical Society has given approval for RCGS to store items at the Museum.
Carol Jones reported that the caretaker of Arlington East Hill Cemetery went through all their burial permits and is donating this information to RCGS on a flash drive.
Discussion turned to our February, 2015 Round Table. We will move the time to 1:00 for the meeting on February 14th. We still have not received confirmation from all participants. Jack Spaulding form Moscow and Tracy Porter of Jackson township were mentioned as possible interesting speakers.
Shirley Biehl sent copies of Rush County Cemetery information giving names and phone numbers of people to contact that are in charge of the cemeteries. Some corrections were mentioned and noted.
Sue Otte of the Rushville Library lost her husband and it was proposed and approved to give a gift of $50.00 to the Library Building Fund in his memory.
The meeting was adjourned so members could work on obituaries that have been saved and donated to RCGS. We are attaching them to paper and putting them in sheet protectors and placing them alphabetically in binders. Good progress was made, but there is much yet to do.
Katrina Cooper, Secretary
Rush County Genealogical Society
Rush County Genealogical Society Meeting Minutes
March 14, 2015
The March 14, 2015 meeting of the Rush County Genealogical Society was called to order at 11:00 a.m. by President Carol Jones at the Rushville Elks Lodge with seven in attendance.
The minutes of the January 10, 2015 meeting were read and approved. No minutes were taken for the February Round-Table program. The Treasurer’s report was submitted by Shirley Biehl with total funds on hand of $3,760.73.
Carol Jones advised that she had written a Thank You letter for the 20 binders donated by the Brand & Morelock Attorney’s office of Greenfield. They will be used to hold our Obituaries we have collected.
Carol also reported the Ohio Genealogical Society Conference will be held April 9-11th at the Sheraton Columbus Hotel in Columbus, Ohio.
Larry Martin, Caretaker at the Arlington East Hill Cemetery is looking at information we had gathered on the cemetery and we have some burials he does not have. He has also been using burial permits with notes such as “really not there”. They will be putting up a new sign and will be holding a sign ceremony. The cemetery has been approved by SHAARD, but it is not listed as yet and it must be listed with them before you can get the Heritage Sign.
Katrina Cooper had suggested we might have a meeting about the Beech Settlement near Carthage. Several have shown interest in this in the past. Linda Mahan proposed we make it a field trip near the time of their Reunion in August. Barbara White would be a good contact person. It was mentioned that there is a book about the Beech Settlement that is interesting: Southern Seed, Northern Soil.
It was decided that after the April meeting we will take the items we have to store to the Rush County Historical Museum. Hopefully we can collect the items being kept by the Historian, books donated and Obituary Binders so all our collection will be in one place.
Katrina Cooper, Secretary
Rush County Genealogical Society
Rush County Genealogical Society Meeting Minutes
April 11, 2015
The April 11, 2015 meeting of the Rush County Genealogical Society was called to order at 11:00 a.m. by President Carol Jones at the Rushville Elks Lodge with seven in attendance.
The minutes of the March 14, 2015 meeting were read and approved. The Treasurer’s report was submitted by Shirley Biehl with total funds on hand of $3,549.56 with checks written to Carol Jones for Sheet Protectors for our Obituary project and Katrina Cooper for Postage. Carol reported that we need more sheet protectors and Linda Mahan said she would check if she could get them cheaper. We will also need more binders.
Carol Jones brought up the idea of having a Genealogy Will. She had a sample of one so you can designate where you want your research to be donated. Carol also noted a good website for researchers looking for records for U. S. citizenship and immigration services: www.uscis.gov/genealogy. She also reported that the Kentucky Historical Society had contacted us to ask if they could go thru our records of Civil War veterans. She will reply that we do not really have anything more than our book Let Us Die to Make Men Free – Rush County Civil War Soldiers. Martha Brooks has contacted the Society and asked for a copy of a 2009 Newsletter. Susan felt it was before we were doing the newsletters. Carol Jones handed out Cemetery lists with information where no tombstone photo is on Find a Grave. Any photos submitted to Find a Grave must be compressed. Gary Crull, who in 2006 published a book, Zion Cemetery – Washington Township Rush County, Indiana – Plot sales; Burials (thru Dec, 199); History that included photos taken at Ammon and East Fork (Old Zion) Cemetery, sent an e-mail offering assistance in these areas on this cemetery project. (Carol to contact???) Shirley Biehl volunteered to call and verify the contacts on the list of cemetery contacts she was given. Kevin Harr mentioned he has an old list of cemetery inscriptions he had gotten from Bill Todd from the Area Planning Office.
It was noted that there were corrections needed concerning cemeteries on the Rush County Chamber of Commerce map. Shirley Biehl will contact Sandy Fussner, Chamber Director and see if we could give assistance in making these corrections and having the map reprinted.
Discussion turned to our next meeting with Don Craig doing a presentation on his Craig research. We will use the letter he submitted to advertise the event. Carol will prepare an article for the newspaper. Don mentioned some specific people in his letter that might be interested in attending.
Katrina Cooper and Linda Mahan are working on getting information about a field trip to the Beech Settlement. Linda reported she is currently reading the book, Southern Seed, Northern Soil.
It was decided that we will hold off on taking materials to store at the Rush County Historical Society Museum. They may not have room for all the books. It is just two 2 drawer filing cabinets.
Katrina Cole Cooper, Secretary
Rush County Genealogical Society
March 14, 2015
The March 14, 2015 meeting of the Rush County Genealogical Society was called to order at 11:00 a.m. by President Carol Jones at the Rushville Elks Lodge with seven in attendance.
The minutes of the January 10, 2015 meeting were read and approved. No minutes were taken for the February Round-Table program. The Treasurer’s report was submitted by Shirley Biehl with total funds on hand of $3,760.73.
Carol Jones advised that she had written a Thank You letter for the 20 binders donated by the Brand & Morelock Attorney’s office of Greenfield. They will be used to hold our Obituaries we have collected.
Carol also reported the Ohio Genealogical Society Conference will be held April 9-11th at the Sheraton Columbus Hotel in Columbus, Ohio.
Larry Martin, Caretaker at the Arlington East Hill Cemetery is looking at information we had gathered on the cemetery and we have some burials he does not have. He has also been using burial permits with notes such as “really not there”. They will be putting up a new sign and will be holding a sign ceremony. The cemetery has been approved by SHAARD, but it is not listed as yet and it must be listed with them before you can get the Heritage Sign.
Katrina Cooper had suggested we might have a meeting about the Beech Settlement near Carthage. Several have shown interest in this in the past. Linda Mahan proposed we make it a field trip near the time of their Reunion in August. Barbara White would be a good contact person. It was mentioned that there is a book about the Beech Settlement that is interesting: Southern Seed, Northern Soil.
It was decided that after the April meeting we will take the items we have to store to the Rush County Historical Museum. Hopefully we can collect the items being kept by the Historian, books donated and Obituary Binders so all our collection will be in one place.
Katrina Cooper, Secretary
Rush County Genealogical Society
Rush County Genealogical Society Meeting Minutes
April 11, 2015
The April 11, 2015 meeting of the Rush County Genealogical Society was called to order at 11:00 a.m. by President Carol Jones at the Rushville Elks Lodge with seven in attendance.
The minutes of the March 14, 2015 meeting were read and approved. The Treasurer’s report was submitted by Shirley Biehl with total funds on hand of $3,549.56 with checks written to Carol Jones for Sheet Protectors for our Obituary project and Katrina Cooper for Postage. Carol reported that we need more sheet protectors and Linda Mahan said she would check if she could get them cheaper. We will also need more binders.
Carol Jones brought up the idea of having a Genealogy Will. She had a sample of one so you can designate where you want your research to be donated. Carol also noted a good website for researchers looking for records for U. S. citizenship and immigration services: www.uscis.gov/genealogy. She also reported that the Kentucky Historical Society had contacted us to ask if they could go thru our records of Civil War veterans. She will reply that we do not really have anything more than our book Let Us Die to Make Men Free – Rush County Civil War Soldiers. Martha Brooks has contacted the Society and asked for a copy of a 2009 Newsletter. Susan felt it was before we were doing the newsletters. Carol Jones handed out Cemetery lists with information where no tombstone photo is on Find a Grave. Any photos submitted to Find a Grave must be compressed. Gary Crull, who in 2006 published a book, Zion Cemetery – Washington Township Rush County, Indiana – Plot sales; Burials (thru Dec, 199); History that included photos taken at Ammon and East Fork (Old Zion) Cemetery, sent an e-mail offering assistance in these areas on this cemetery project. (Carol to contact???) Shirley Biehl volunteered to call and verify the contacts on the list of cemetery contacts she was given. Kevin Harr mentioned he has an old list of cemetery inscriptions he had gotten from Bill Todd from the Area Planning Office.
It was noted that there were corrections needed concerning cemeteries on the Rush County Chamber of Commerce map. Shirley Biehl will contact Sandy Fussner, Chamber Director and see if we could give assistance in making these corrections and having the map reprinted.
Discussion turned to our next meeting with Don Craig doing a presentation on his Craig research. We will use the letter he submitted to advertise the event. Carol will prepare an article for the newspaper. Don mentioned some specific people in his letter that might be interested in attending.
Katrina Cooper and Linda Mahan are working on getting information about a field trip to the Beech Settlement. Linda reported she is currently reading the book, Southern Seed, Northern Soil.
It was decided that we will hold off on taking materials to store at the Rush County Historical Society Museum. They may not have room for all the books. It is just two 2 drawer filing cabinets.
Katrina Cole Cooper, Secretary
Rush County Genealogical Society