2023 Meeting Minutes
Rush County Genealogical Society Meeting Minutes
February 11, 2023
RCGS President Katrina Cooper called the Zoom meeting to order at 10:00 AM. Attendees were guest speaker John Barr, Bill Baetz, Jim Durham, George Hibben, Jane Howard, Joella Patterson, and Carol Yager.
Business Meeting:
Future meetings will be held at the Rushville Library, at 6:30 PM on the third Wednesday of the month. Remaining 2023 meetings will be held on May 17, August 16, and November 15. Meetings also will be available via Zoom. Katrina and Bill will investigate the technical aspects of Zoom from the library.
RCGS, DAR, Rush County Historical Society and school media representatives attended a meeting with Rushville librarian Nikki Kirchoff to learn about the planned move to the former Walmart site projected to occur in 2024. The Indiana Room will almost double in size. Library staff members will offer any books or materials from other states to the State Library or the Fort Wayne library. The possibility of a grant to local organizations to digitize their records was discussed.
A field trip to the Shelby County Library Genealogy facilities is tentatively planned for a Saturday in May. Plans for a July 15 trip to the Cincinnati and Hamilton County (OH) library are being finalized. More information will be available as details are confirmed.
Attendees were reminded to send in their dues if they haven’t already.
Guest Speaker: John Barr, genealogist, family history researcher, historian, writer, speaker, and owner of Old Northwest Genealogy, gave a presentation “Using Maps in Genealogy.” He discussed public land survey plats, PLAT/land ownership maps, plot maps and Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps and provided resources for further research.
Respectfully submitted
Jane Howard, Secretary