2016 Meeting Minutes
Rush County Genealogical Society Meeting Minutes
January 9, 2016
The Rush County Genealogical Society was called to order by Carol Jones, president, on Saturday, January 9, 2016 at the Rushville Elks Lodge at 11:00 a.m. with ten in attendance.
The minutes of the October 10, 2015 were read by secretary, Katrina Cooper and approved by the group. (November, 2015 we had presentation by Kevin Harr of Rush County photos.) Shirley Biehl, treasurer handed out the yearly report to any who were interested listing a balance of $3274.74.
Discussion turned quickly to the future of RCGS. Carol Jones stated there are at least eight of the charter members who no longer attend. A suggestion was brought up about possibly joining with Rush County Historical Society. They hold meetings in the evening and anyone can attend; however, only board members vote. Membership is $25 and $50 which includes a ticket to the semi-annual dinner. Susan Huston stated she has decided to not re-new her membership with our group as she has been volunteering much of her time to the RCHS Museum. We will need to find someone else to do our newsletter and work on the queries we receive as Susan had graciously given her time to this for many years. Members were asked to think about this and we will discuss this more at our next meeting. We need to check our by-laws as well.
A question was brought up if their organization does any more than we do. They are presently working on the Carriage House renovation. We have done our cemetery projects and have been working on Rush County obituaries. Kevin Harr brought up that one large project he could use help with is going through all the many newspapers he has been given. He has them from the 20’s, 30’s, 50’s and from 1989-1999. They need to be gone though and any big story, pictures, obituaries, ads, grand openings, old sports teams and the like need to be cut out. A publisher in Greensburg has told him they will help him with scanning the material. Kevin also mentioned he is looking for a sponsor for his pictorial book on Rush County. He expects it will be a 200-page book. He currently has these papers at his home.
The meeting was adjourned to work on trimming up the newspaper obits donated from the library, attaching to paper and placing them in plastic sleeves and then in binders alphabetically.
Katrina Cooper, Secretary
Rush County Genealogical Society
Rush County Genealogical Society Meeting Minutes
February 13, 2016
Bill Baetz, RCGS Vice President, called the meeting to order on Saturday, February 13, 2016 at 11:00 a.m. at the Rushville Elks Lodge with three in attendance.
Bill asked that we hold the January minutes to be read at the next meeting as he needed to leave early for a family commitment in Ohio. It was agreed and it was reported that our treasury balance is $3501.74 as submitted via e-mail from treasurer Shirley Biehl.
One of the Rushville Elks Lodge employees explained that they need to start charging our group $25.00 per month as they charge all other groups for the use of the room. This will begin next month.
With the small attendance the proposed discussion about future plans for the society were postponed. Carol's e-mail of her suggestion that we change our focus from projects to the group actually working on genealogy at meetings. Those in attendance agreed this might be considered, but we do seem to have good attendance when we host most outside speakers and be sure to advertise it well.
Bill brought up the books that were donated to the group and reminded us that he did receive permission that we could sell them in lieu of trying to find a place to store them.
Bill Baetz reported that our website has been shut down. Our domain name with GoDaddy has expired and technically founder Pam Steed owns the domain name. They advised that 3 notices were sent; however, if they had we would not have received them if they were sent to the old e-mail address ([email protected]) which we are no longer using. Pam would have to provide consent to change ownership. Bill was not able to get the domain name renewed. Bill still has access to the sight to be able to edit the website. He explained that our web hosting account has been free. He will look into cost to set up a new domain account and it can be decided if this would be the best way to solve the problem.
It was proposed that out of respect for founder Pam Steed we should consider discussing what is being considered for RCGS. We may also need to get her assistance on the domain/website issues.
Discussion turned to our newsletter and the concern for how much people value this as part of their membership fees. Katrina expressed the desire to keep it going. Is there a template Susan has used?
Bill adjourned with reminding all that our next meeting will be Saturday, March 12, 2016.
Katrina Cooper, Secretary
Rush County Genealogical Society
Rush County Genealogical Society Meeting Minutes
March 12, 2016
The Rush County Genealogical Society met Saturday, March 12, 2016 at the home of president Carol Jones. Carol called the meeting to order at 11:00 a.m. and Katrina Cooper read the minutes of January and February, 2016 meetings and they were approved. Shirley Biehl, treasurer reported that our balance is $3561.74. Six members and one guest were in attendance.
Discussion turned to our Newsletter. It was decided that many have paid dues expecting to receive a newsletter and that it is something we would like to continue. Katrina Cooper volunteered to work on this with the idea that we will ask other members to contribute articles. Perhaps we could post queries we receive for others looking into the same family lines.
Carol shared her interest in changing our focus – that we would focus on working on our family trees together. We could share our brick walls with the group and brainstorm to solve puzzles. Other ideas mentioned were to go out to cemeteries together to finish up taking photos missing off Facebook – we could take a picnic lunch. It was mentioned that we should be sure to get out Genealogy Happenings reported in the local newspaper.
Our guest Chris McDivitt advised the group that he is looking for information on his Beaver and McDivitt family lines.
Perhaps a good way to generate interest in the group is to hold a Beginning Genealogy Class at the Library. Kevin will check on a date the Library Meeting Room will be available in May. Katrina Cooper volunteered to lead the class. All members are encouraged to come and bring items they might want to share to show others their successes. It was mentioned that our brochure needs to be updated as well.
We have many times been asked about making information available to other members of the surnames that other members are researching so they might share information. We have never quite decided how this could be done and still keep people’s information private. It was decided that we could simply list surnames people are looking for and advise that if anyone wanted to know who else was researching this line, that they could ask us and we could pass along their name, etc. to them or get permission to share their information with others.
Members were encouraged to share photos/stories on our Facebook page as this is a way to share information and attract those who might be interested in doing genealogy research.
Kevin Harr reported that he has changed the name of his Facebook page that features Rush County photos of buildings, homes, and people. He changed it to Rushville and Rush County -Remember When. He stated that his publisher will help him with getting sponsors for his upcoming pictorial book. Rush County Historical Society has given us permission to set up tables to work on cutting out articles from old newspapers. Kevin has been given ones from the 20’s, 30’s, 50’s, 60’s, and 1989-1999. Carol volunteered that she has an 8-foot table we could use. That way people can come and go to work on cutting out special stories for his book.
Carol Jones, president asked for permission to set up an account with Amazon Smiles Rewards where they donate .5% of purchases made from Amazon.com to charitable organizations. She was given permission by the group to enroll RCGS in this program.
Indiana Historical is hosting a workshop on Fund Raising Basics April 20th at the Fort Wayne Public Library and one on May 10th at the Pendleton Town Hall. A road trip to Cincinnati Genealogy Library was suggested for the group. It is said to be the third best genealogy library in the country. On Friday, May 20th or Saturday, May 21st the Indiana Historical Society will host a Basic Cemetery Workshop at the Mount Jackson Cemetery in Indianapolis with John “Walt” Walters and Vincent Hernly as Instructors.
Kevin Harr will check with the Rushville Library as to a meeting place for RCGS. The Rushville Elks Lodge has begun to charge us $25.00 per meeting which was to begin in March.
It was decided that we need to plan out our meetings further out in advance so people can plan to come and we need to work on having interesting programs that will draw people’s interest.
Here is what we came up with tentatively for 2016. Each activity needs to be promoted well in advance and notices posted on our website, Facebook page, the newspaper, and the RCGS newsletter. Carol Jones will write up an article for the newspapers of our 2016 events. Katrina will include this information in the Newsletter.
April 9, 2016 – Working meeting-people bring Brick Walls – bring laptops, paper, etc. to share with others and group brainstorm how to solve these.
May 10- Fund Raising Workshop at Pendleton. Basic Cemetery Workshop on May 20 or May 21st at Mount Jackson Cemetery, Indianapolis. An evening in May - Beginner Genealogy Class.
June 11, 2016- Cemetery Presentation by Jeanne Regan-Dinius from Department of Natural Resources.
July – no meeting -as usual – Midwest Roots Conference, July 15 -16 at Marriott East – let’s get a group together to go to this event!
August 12-13th - Field Trip to Cincinnati Library – of Fort Wayne or Columbus, Ohio. Possibly go on Friday, stay overnight.
Sept 10, 2016 – Tour of Rushville – walking tour - see old homes and learn the history of the home and families that lived there. Kevin Harr to oversee this activity.
October 8, 2016 – Working Meeting – bring Brick Walls, something you need help with in your own research.
November 12, 2016 – Preservation of old Photos by Joan Hostetler.
December, 2016 – No Meeting – as usual
Katrina Cooper, Secretary
Rush County Genealogical Society
Rush County Genealogical Society Meeting Minutes
April 9, 2016
Carol Jones, President, called the Saturday, April 9, 2016 Rush County Genealogical Society meeting to order. Katrina Cooper, Secretary read the minutes of the February 13, 2016 and March 12, 2016 meetings which were approved. Shirley Biehl, Treasurer reported a balance of $3681.74 with $70.00 to be deposited for a total of $3756.74.
Carol reported that she had registered RCGS with Amazonsmile.com. Members can go to https://smile.amazon.com when they make purchases through Amazon and .05% of the purchase will go to our organization. Kevin Harr mentioned that his book of Rush County photos will be available through Amazon.com.
Carol reported that she is still working with the Elks Board of Directors on the $25 per month fee that we have been advised we will need to pay in order to meet there. She feels this could be worked out where it would end up free again. In looking at our meeting schedule after next month’s meeting, we would just need a meeting place in November as we have planned outings for many of our meetings.
Discussion turned to the Beginning Genealogy Class we will be sponsoring. Tuesday, May 10th is the date and we will begin the meeting at 6:00 with a meet and greet period with refreshments. Marilyn Yeager and Carol Jones volunteered to bring coffee, sun tea, and brownies. Carol will bring cups, plates, napkins. We will have access to the Genealogy Room of the Library so people can use the Library’s resources that evening.
Carol will check with Jeanne Regan-Dinius with DNR as to whether she would be available to give a presentation about Hoosier Cemeteries for our June 11th meeting.
Katrina spoke about the field trip to either the Kentucky Gateway Genealogical Library in Maysville, Kentucky which covers seven counties -Mason, Bracken, Fleming, Lewis and Robertson Counties of Kentucky and both Adams and Brown Counties of Ohio or the Allen County Library in Fort Wayne. Members will check on the counties listed as to whether they have ancestors from those areas and we will discuss more next month. We had also discussed going to the Cincinnati Library; however, they are doing renovations.
We were joined by guest, Cora Sue Hatton, the East Central District Director for Indiana Genealogical Society. She had worked with the founders of our society when they first began the organization. She brought up a concern that she should be receiving a report from our group at least every three months and this has not been happening. She wondered if someone would be willing to take on this responsibility and if they would be willing to submit an application for Rush County Genealogist with IGS. It was decided that since Katrina Cooper already sends out notices to our members, that she would be the logical person to fill this position. Ms. Hatton stated that you would send in an application along with letters of recommendation. Details can be found in the IGS website. She gave her contact information if we would ever need her help such as getting speakers.
The meeting was adjourned for members to help one another with their brick walls. Naturalization questions, sharing of surnames people were looking for, and resource sharing in the Library’s Genealogy Room took place. It was good to learn from each other.
Katrina Cole Cooper, Secretary
Rush County Genealogical Society
RCGS Genealogy for Beginners
May 10, 2016
Presented Saturday, May 10, 2016 by Katrina Cooper: Eight in attendance, five members and 3 non-members.
Rush County Genealogical Society Meeting Minutes
June 11, 2016
Claire Mercer began the meeting with an informative presentation about Blazing Star, a Cheyenne Indian who lived in Carthage in the 1880’s. She gave an interesting talk about him and brought many photos to share as well. After the presentation, any who were not interested in staying for the business meeting were excused.
President Carol Jones called our meeting to order. May, 2016 Meeting Minutes were read by secretary Katrina Cooper and approved. The Treasurer’s report was given by Shirley Biehl with a starting balance of $3649.35 minus $53.16 for copying costs for the Beginning Genealogy Class, payment for taxes and our bond along with the addition of three people’s dues for a balance of $3498.19.
Carol began with Genealogy news. Ancestry.com has made available Indiana Death Certificates from 1899 thru 2011, Birth Certificates from 1907 thru 1940 and Marriage Records from 1748 thru 1993. You can use Newspapers.com for Rushville newspapers back to 1900. She noted that in order to get obituaries from the Indianapolis Star, you must pay an extra one-time fee of $29.95. Chronicles of Indiana is another site for old newspapers.
There will be a Federation of Genealogical Societies Genealogy Conference in Springfield, Illinois from August 31 thru September 3, 2016. The Theme is Time Travel, Centuries of Memories. She gave out pamphlets to anyone who was interested. There were many interesting classes and speakers listed.
We have received correspondence from the Benton County Genealogical Society concerning their Last Soldier Project they are working on. They have a list of Civil War veterans who were living after December 16, 1940 and are looking for the last living Civil War soldier for each Indiana county. Rush County does not have one listed.
Discussion turned to our Library Visit slated for August 13th. We took a vote as to who was interested in going to either the Crossroads Library in Mason, Kentucky or the Genealogy Library in Cincinnati or the Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne. It was decided to go to Fort Wayne whose hours are 9-6 on Saturdays. We will meet at 8:00 a.m. on the South end of the Elks parking lot and carpool from there.
Kevin Harr reported that he has secured a hay wagon from the Parks Department for the Historical Homes Tour on September 10th. He has found a source for hay and a maybe has a driver. He is not sure about the driver and might need help with that. We will begin at 2pm.
Carol reminded everyone of the Rootsweb Genealogy Conference July 15-16 at the Indianapolis Marriott East. Katrina and Carol have sent in their registrations. A reminder was given that there will be no July meeting.
Guest Jim Gordon stated that he has several boxes of photos that he needs help in identifying people. They are from the 1800’s probably around Raleigh. He was given member Gary Crull’s name as a contact for help in identifying the photos. Jim also mentioned that he would like help in bring interest for a special grave marker for his uncle Harvey A. Gordon who worked for the Boy Scouts of America and built many camps in New York for the organization. Katrina Cooper advised she would be happy to write an article about him for the next newsletter if Jim will provide information and photos of his uncle.
Carol mentioned that member Donna Tauber has sent her information on the Indiana Bicentennial Project and there may be grants available for projects. We will discuss this at our next meeting.
Kevin Harr advised that the Rushville Public Library had notified him that they have several books they would like to give our group. Along this topic, Bill Baetz was asked to send out the list of the books he has that we were given some time ago.
Jeanne Regan-Dinius with DNR has agreed to give our program for November 12, 2016. It will be on Cemeteries and SHAARD. We will contact Joan Hostetler for a presentation for 2017.
Katrina Cooper reported that she will be sending in an application to Indiana Genealogical Society for the position of Rush County Genealogist. She has now obtained all the necessary letters of recommendation.
The meeting was adjourned to look at items Gary Crull has given Kevin Harr – obituaries and funeral cards. Others looked at the books given by the library. There were several books that would be helpful for genealogy research.
Katrina Cole Cooper, Secretary
Rush County Genealogical Society
Rush County Genealogical Society Meeting Minutes
August 13, 2016
Seven members journeyed to the Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne, Indiana to do genealogy research. We were given a tour of their resources by John Beatty and he was available through the day for any questions. We went right to work. After several hours of searching, several proclaimed the trip a success. We worked until the Genealogy Center closed and went to eat at Mad Anthony Brewing Company.
President Carol Jones called the meeting to order as there were a few items of importance that need to be discussed. She announced with much regret the resignation of Shirley Biehl as the Society’s treasurer. Marilyn Yeager was nominated to take the position and she agreed. The group approved the nomination.
Carol reported that RCGS received a generous gift of $750 from George Hibben, one of our members. She has sent a thank you for the donation.
Bringing back a matter from previous discussions, Carol suggested that we give a gift of $250 to the Rush County Historical Society for all that they have helped us with in storing our Obituary Binders and various books, articles, and family information. The meeting was adjourned and after eating, the group set out for home.
Katrina Cole Cooper, Secretary
Rush County Genealogical Society
RCGS Historical Home Tour
Saturday, September 10, 2016
Fourteen attended this informative tour of historical homes. We left the City Parking Lot and drove North on Perkins and back down South on Harrison Streets, pointing out various homes and telling of the families who lived in them. A booklet was furnished and at our last stop, the resident of the home seeing her church van out front of her home, came out to find out what was going on. She requested if she could have one of the booklets which we gladly shared.
A special thanks goes to Kevin Harr and Katrina Cooper who organized this tour. A big Thank you to the First Southern Baptist Church that loaned us their fifteen passenger van and for Past Jeff Edwards who drove for us. This worked out so well with the impending rain of the day.
Carol Jones, RCGS advised members of the passing of one of our members, Darlene Palmer of Scipio, Indiana. The Society was listed as one the memorials she would like donations to be given to.
Katrina Cole Cooper, Secretary
Rush County Genealogical Society
Rush County Genealogical Society Meeting Minutes
October 8, 2016
The October 8, 2016 Rush County Genealogical Society meeting was called to order by president Carol Jones with Katrina Cooper, secretary reading the minutes of the June 11th meeting. The minutes were approved. She also read minutes of the August and September, 2016 meetings when the group went to the Allen County Public Library and then our Historical Home Tour.
Treasurer, Marilyn Yager reported a balance of $4094.29 which included a $50.00 memorial gift for Darlene Palmer and $40.00 donation to the First Southern Baptist Church for the use of their van for the Historical Home Tour.
Carol Jones shared Genealogy News announcing the upcoming Indiana Genealogy and Local History Fair at the Indiana State Library on Saturday, October 22nd. National Archives Virtual Genealogy Fair for 2016 can be accessed Wednesday, October 20th and Thursday, October 27th. It can be seen on-line via U-Tube.
Anyone researching ancestors from Ireland were invited to use IrishGenealogy.ie where they have free Index for births that are over 100 years old, for marriages over 75 years and Deaths over 50 years. Indiana Genealogy Society has put out a book, Mapping Indiana which is a good resource for Indiana research. It was noted that this weekend Ancestry.com is hosting Global Cemetery Meet-ups and you can access information on their site for where groups are meeting to work on cemeteries.
It was announced to members that one of our members, George Hibben has given us a gift of $750.00. Carol sent a Thank you letter for this generous donation. She also sent a sympathy card for the death of member Darlene Palmer. Katrina Cooper passed around a copy of her obituary.
Carol is still working on getting a shelf to store books at RCHS. She is working with Steve Mahan to make this happen.
The next item of business was presented by Carol telling members about an opportunity through Indiana Genealogy Society of them sending us a portable scanner and laptop computer and we would need to scan 5 data bases of any size and once that is completed, the scanner and computer would be ours to keep. She will e-mail the officers with specifics and they will discuss pros and cons and any questions they might have about it.
The Obituary project was brought up. We have 1000’s of obituaries and it was decided to continue working on this project.
Carol added that the Beech Settlement is having a Fund-Raising Campaign to raise money for necessary repairs to the building. It was decided to give $500 to the project as we had been waiting since last year’s tour to the Beech Church to know that they were moving ahead with the Renovation.
Discussion turned to the planning of our next programs. Everyone was reminded that we do not meet in the month of December. We had wanted to get photo preservationist Joan Hostetler for 2016 and had not been able to fit her in so we will ask her for March so hopefully weather would be better for her long drive by then.
Katrina Cooper introduced Marilyn Gray Roberts who was visiting for her first time. She had given an interesting program about the Mays/Raleigh area at Center Church and Katrina had suggested her as a speaker in an earlier meeting. We asked her if she might be willing to come in January. She also mentioned an interest in her relative James Havens who was a Methodist Circuit Rider. She agreed to do her program on Mays/Raleigh area.
Carol mentioned that February would then be a Working meeting and she will be out of town at that time. She asked Bill to fill in for her.
If we can get Joan Hostetler for March, then April again will be a Genealogy research working meeting. Larry Stout from the Orange Township area was suggested for May. Marilyn Yager will ask him if he would be interested in giving us a presentation of that area. For June, it was suggested that we might go to a cemetery. Marilyn will do some research to teach members how to and what to take when working on a cemetery. In July we do not meet.
For August, 2017 it was suggested that we travel to the Cincinnati Library with September being a working meeting and October was slated for a second annual Historical Homes Tour with Katrina Cooper in charge.
Eleanor Arnold was suggested as a presenter for November. Carol Jones will be contact person for this event.
Carol brought up one last piece of business. Next month we hold Election of Officers. The proposed slate of officers: Carol Jones – president, Bill Baetz – vice president, Treasurer – Marilyn Yager, Secretary – Katrina Cooper and Historian – Kevin Harr.
Katrina Cooper reported that she had found the last three Civil War Veterans to die in Rush County and has forwarded the information to the Last Veteran project.
Carol Jones adjourned the meeting.
Katrina Cole Cooper, Secretary
Rush County Genealogical Society
Rush County Genealogical Society Meeting Minutes
November 12, 2016
President Carol Jones called the November 12, 2016 meeting of the Rush County Genealogical Society. Secretary Katrina Cooper read the October 8, 2016 meeting minutes and they were approved. Treasurer Marilyn Yager reported our balance is $3634.29. Nineteen were in attendance.
Carol Jones reported that she attended the Fall Dinner/Program meeting for the Rush County Historical Society Thursday, November 10th. The speaker was Bill Goins of Rushville. He discussed the Beech Church Restoration project northwest of Carthage. This is an on-going restoration project that is seeking funding from several sources. Indiana Landmarks has added them to their list of the Ten Most Endangered Historic Buildings. There is a private RCHS donor who will match the RCHS total give up to $1.000. There is a donor in Indianapolis who will match gifts up to $100,000.
Carol also reported that Eleanor Arnold has agree to give a program for our group. We had talked about having her for our November, 2017 meeting previously. She brought up the Obituary project as to whether we should continue with it. It was felt that we should and Donna Tauber volunteered to take some home to work on.
The slate of officers was presented: Carol Jones- President, Bill Baetz – Vice President, Treasurer – Marilyn Yager, Katrina Cooper – Secretary and Historian – Kevin Harr. Donna Tauber motioned that accept the list and Shirley Biehl seconded the motion. The annual meeting of officers was set for Tuesday, November 15, 2016 at 6:30 at the Rushville Library.
Joan Hostetler has agreed to come and do her presentation in March, 2017. She is currently working on a project for the Bicentennial. It is a Scanning project – as searchable catalog – an Indiana Memory database. Carol suggested we might host a Scanathon after her presentation.
Kevin Harr brought to the meeting a project he is involved with. Stolli Glasmir has contacted him and is interested in doing 10 videos on Rush County such as the Princess Theater. The cost of sponsoring a video is $299 and will be on Rush County historic structures. He will give sponsors a master copy of the video. It was suggested that this seemed more in line with the Rush County Historical Society than our group.
Everyone was reminded it is time to send in dues. It is $15 for the year.
Carol next introduced our speaker, Jeannie R. Regan-Dinius, Director of Special Initiatives for the Department of Natural Resources Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology who gave a wonderfully informative presentation on Cemeteries. She spoke of cultural and religious traits of stones and those from different time periods. On early stones, you find just basic information on the person – most were farmers. The material tombstones are made from has changed through the times as well. Everyone enjoyed learning and seeing samples of what she was speaking about via her slide presentation.
Katrina Cole Cooper, Secretary
Rush County Genealogical Society
February 13, 2016
Bill Baetz, RCGS Vice President, called the meeting to order on Saturday, February 13, 2016 at 11:00 a.m. at the Rushville Elks Lodge with three in attendance.
Bill asked that we hold the January minutes to be read at the next meeting as he needed to leave early for a family commitment in Ohio. It was agreed and it was reported that our treasury balance is $3501.74 as submitted via e-mail from treasurer Shirley Biehl.
One of the Rushville Elks Lodge employees explained that they need to start charging our group $25.00 per month as they charge all other groups for the use of the room. This will begin next month.
With the small attendance the proposed discussion about future plans for the society were postponed. Carol's e-mail of her suggestion that we change our focus from projects to the group actually working on genealogy at meetings. Those in attendance agreed this might be considered, but we do seem to have good attendance when we host most outside speakers and be sure to advertise it well.
Bill brought up the books that were donated to the group and reminded us that he did receive permission that we could sell them in lieu of trying to find a place to store them.
Bill Baetz reported that our website has been shut down. Our domain name with GoDaddy has expired and technically founder Pam Steed owns the domain name. They advised that 3 notices were sent; however, if they had we would not have received them if they were sent to the old e-mail address ([email protected]) which we are no longer using. Pam would have to provide consent to change ownership. Bill was not able to get the domain name renewed. Bill still has access to the sight to be able to edit the website. He explained that our web hosting account has been free. He will look into cost to set up a new domain account and it can be decided if this would be the best way to solve the problem.
It was proposed that out of respect for founder Pam Steed we should consider discussing what is being considered for RCGS. We may also need to get her assistance on the domain/website issues.
Discussion turned to our newsletter and the concern for how much people value this as part of their membership fees. Katrina expressed the desire to keep it going. Is there a template Susan has used?
Bill adjourned with reminding all that our next meeting will be Saturday, March 12, 2016.
Katrina Cooper, Secretary
Rush County Genealogical Society
Rush County Genealogical Society Meeting Minutes
March 12, 2016
The Rush County Genealogical Society met Saturday, March 12, 2016 at the home of president Carol Jones. Carol called the meeting to order at 11:00 a.m. and Katrina Cooper read the minutes of January and February, 2016 meetings and they were approved. Shirley Biehl, treasurer reported that our balance is $3561.74. Six members and one guest were in attendance.
Discussion turned to our Newsletter. It was decided that many have paid dues expecting to receive a newsletter and that it is something we would like to continue. Katrina Cooper volunteered to work on this with the idea that we will ask other members to contribute articles. Perhaps we could post queries we receive for others looking into the same family lines.
Carol shared her interest in changing our focus – that we would focus on working on our family trees together. We could share our brick walls with the group and brainstorm to solve puzzles. Other ideas mentioned were to go out to cemeteries together to finish up taking photos missing off Facebook – we could take a picnic lunch. It was mentioned that we should be sure to get out Genealogy Happenings reported in the local newspaper.
Our guest Chris McDivitt advised the group that he is looking for information on his Beaver and McDivitt family lines.
Perhaps a good way to generate interest in the group is to hold a Beginning Genealogy Class at the Library. Kevin will check on a date the Library Meeting Room will be available in May. Katrina Cooper volunteered to lead the class. All members are encouraged to come and bring items they might want to share to show others their successes. It was mentioned that our brochure needs to be updated as well.
We have many times been asked about making information available to other members of the surnames that other members are researching so they might share information. We have never quite decided how this could be done and still keep people’s information private. It was decided that we could simply list surnames people are looking for and advise that if anyone wanted to know who else was researching this line, that they could ask us and we could pass along their name, etc. to them or get permission to share their information with others.
Members were encouraged to share photos/stories on our Facebook page as this is a way to share information and attract those who might be interested in doing genealogy research.
Kevin Harr reported that he has changed the name of his Facebook page that features Rush County photos of buildings, homes, and people. He changed it to Rushville and Rush County -Remember When. He stated that his publisher will help him with getting sponsors for his upcoming pictorial book. Rush County Historical Society has given us permission to set up tables to work on cutting out articles from old newspapers. Kevin has been given ones from the 20’s, 30’s, 50’s, 60’s, and 1989-1999. Carol volunteered that she has an 8-foot table we could use. That way people can come and go to work on cutting out special stories for his book.
Carol Jones, president asked for permission to set up an account with Amazon Smiles Rewards where they donate .5% of purchases made from Amazon.com to charitable organizations. She was given permission by the group to enroll RCGS in this program.
Indiana Historical is hosting a workshop on Fund Raising Basics April 20th at the Fort Wayne Public Library and one on May 10th at the Pendleton Town Hall. A road trip to Cincinnati Genealogy Library was suggested for the group. It is said to be the third best genealogy library in the country. On Friday, May 20th or Saturday, May 21st the Indiana Historical Society will host a Basic Cemetery Workshop at the Mount Jackson Cemetery in Indianapolis with John “Walt” Walters and Vincent Hernly as Instructors.
Kevin Harr will check with the Rushville Library as to a meeting place for RCGS. The Rushville Elks Lodge has begun to charge us $25.00 per meeting which was to begin in March.
It was decided that we need to plan out our meetings further out in advance so people can plan to come and we need to work on having interesting programs that will draw people’s interest.
Here is what we came up with tentatively for 2016. Each activity needs to be promoted well in advance and notices posted on our website, Facebook page, the newspaper, and the RCGS newsletter. Carol Jones will write up an article for the newspapers of our 2016 events. Katrina will include this information in the Newsletter.
April 9, 2016 – Working meeting-people bring Brick Walls – bring laptops, paper, etc. to share with others and group brainstorm how to solve these.
May 10- Fund Raising Workshop at Pendleton. Basic Cemetery Workshop on May 20 or May 21st at Mount Jackson Cemetery, Indianapolis. An evening in May - Beginner Genealogy Class.
June 11, 2016- Cemetery Presentation by Jeanne Regan-Dinius from Department of Natural Resources.
July – no meeting -as usual – Midwest Roots Conference, July 15 -16 at Marriott East – let’s get a group together to go to this event!
August 12-13th - Field Trip to Cincinnati Library – of Fort Wayne or Columbus, Ohio. Possibly go on Friday, stay overnight.
Sept 10, 2016 – Tour of Rushville – walking tour - see old homes and learn the history of the home and families that lived there. Kevin Harr to oversee this activity.
October 8, 2016 – Working Meeting – bring Brick Walls, something you need help with in your own research.
November 12, 2016 – Preservation of old Photos by Joan Hostetler.
December, 2016 – No Meeting – as usual
Katrina Cooper, Secretary
Rush County Genealogical Society
Rush County Genealogical Society Meeting Minutes
April 9, 2016
Carol Jones, President, called the Saturday, April 9, 2016 Rush County Genealogical Society meeting to order. Katrina Cooper, Secretary read the minutes of the February 13, 2016 and March 12, 2016 meetings which were approved. Shirley Biehl, Treasurer reported a balance of $3681.74 with $70.00 to be deposited for a total of $3756.74.
Carol reported that she had registered RCGS with Amazonsmile.com. Members can go to https://smile.amazon.com when they make purchases through Amazon and .05% of the purchase will go to our organization. Kevin Harr mentioned that his book of Rush County photos will be available through Amazon.com.
Carol reported that she is still working with the Elks Board of Directors on the $25 per month fee that we have been advised we will need to pay in order to meet there. She feels this could be worked out where it would end up free again. In looking at our meeting schedule after next month’s meeting, we would just need a meeting place in November as we have planned outings for many of our meetings.
Discussion turned to the Beginning Genealogy Class we will be sponsoring. Tuesday, May 10th is the date and we will begin the meeting at 6:00 with a meet and greet period with refreshments. Marilyn Yeager and Carol Jones volunteered to bring coffee, sun tea, and brownies. Carol will bring cups, plates, napkins. We will have access to the Genealogy Room of the Library so people can use the Library’s resources that evening.
Carol will check with Jeanne Regan-Dinius with DNR as to whether she would be available to give a presentation about Hoosier Cemeteries for our June 11th meeting.
Katrina spoke about the field trip to either the Kentucky Gateway Genealogical Library in Maysville, Kentucky which covers seven counties -Mason, Bracken, Fleming, Lewis and Robertson Counties of Kentucky and both Adams and Brown Counties of Ohio or the Allen County Library in Fort Wayne. Members will check on the counties listed as to whether they have ancestors from those areas and we will discuss more next month. We had also discussed going to the Cincinnati Library; however, they are doing renovations.
We were joined by guest, Cora Sue Hatton, the East Central District Director for Indiana Genealogical Society. She had worked with the founders of our society when they first began the organization. She brought up a concern that she should be receiving a report from our group at least every three months and this has not been happening. She wondered if someone would be willing to take on this responsibility and if they would be willing to submit an application for Rush County Genealogist with IGS. It was decided that since Katrina Cooper already sends out notices to our members, that she would be the logical person to fill this position. Ms. Hatton stated that you would send in an application along with letters of recommendation. Details can be found in the IGS website. She gave her contact information if we would ever need her help such as getting speakers.
The meeting was adjourned for members to help one another with their brick walls. Naturalization questions, sharing of surnames people were looking for, and resource sharing in the Library’s Genealogy Room took place. It was good to learn from each other.
Katrina Cole Cooper, Secretary
Rush County Genealogical Society
RCGS Genealogy for Beginners
May 10, 2016
Presented Saturday, May 10, 2016 by Katrina Cooper: Eight in attendance, five members and 3 non-members.
Rush County Genealogical Society Meeting Minutes
June 11, 2016
Claire Mercer began the meeting with an informative presentation about Blazing Star, a Cheyenne Indian who lived in Carthage in the 1880’s. She gave an interesting talk about him and brought many photos to share as well. After the presentation, any who were not interested in staying for the business meeting were excused.
President Carol Jones called our meeting to order. May, 2016 Meeting Minutes were read by secretary Katrina Cooper and approved. The Treasurer’s report was given by Shirley Biehl with a starting balance of $3649.35 minus $53.16 for copying costs for the Beginning Genealogy Class, payment for taxes and our bond along with the addition of three people’s dues for a balance of $3498.19.
Carol began with Genealogy news. Ancestry.com has made available Indiana Death Certificates from 1899 thru 2011, Birth Certificates from 1907 thru 1940 and Marriage Records from 1748 thru 1993. You can use Newspapers.com for Rushville newspapers back to 1900. She noted that in order to get obituaries from the Indianapolis Star, you must pay an extra one-time fee of $29.95. Chronicles of Indiana is another site for old newspapers.
There will be a Federation of Genealogical Societies Genealogy Conference in Springfield, Illinois from August 31 thru September 3, 2016. The Theme is Time Travel, Centuries of Memories. She gave out pamphlets to anyone who was interested. There were many interesting classes and speakers listed.
We have received correspondence from the Benton County Genealogical Society concerning their Last Soldier Project they are working on. They have a list of Civil War veterans who were living after December 16, 1940 and are looking for the last living Civil War soldier for each Indiana county. Rush County does not have one listed.
Discussion turned to our Library Visit slated for August 13th. We took a vote as to who was interested in going to either the Crossroads Library in Mason, Kentucky or the Genealogy Library in Cincinnati or the Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne. It was decided to go to Fort Wayne whose hours are 9-6 on Saturdays. We will meet at 8:00 a.m. on the South end of the Elks parking lot and carpool from there.
Kevin Harr reported that he has secured a hay wagon from the Parks Department for the Historical Homes Tour on September 10th. He has found a source for hay and a maybe has a driver. He is not sure about the driver and might need help with that. We will begin at 2pm.
Carol reminded everyone of the Rootsweb Genealogy Conference July 15-16 at the Indianapolis Marriott East. Katrina and Carol have sent in their registrations. A reminder was given that there will be no July meeting.
Guest Jim Gordon stated that he has several boxes of photos that he needs help in identifying people. They are from the 1800’s probably around Raleigh. He was given member Gary Crull’s name as a contact for help in identifying the photos. Jim also mentioned that he would like help in bring interest for a special grave marker for his uncle Harvey A. Gordon who worked for the Boy Scouts of America and built many camps in New York for the organization. Katrina Cooper advised she would be happy to write an article about him for the next newsletter if Jim will provide information and photos of his uncle.
Carol mentioned that member Donna Tauber has sent her information on the Indiana Bicentennial Project and there may be grants available for projects. We will discuss this at our next meeting.
Kevin Harr advised that the Rushville Public Library had notified him that they have several books they would like to give our group. Along this topic, Bill Baetz was asked to send out the list of the books he has that we were given some time ago.
Jeanne Regan-Dinius with DNR has agreed to give our program for November 12, 2016. It will be on Cemeteries and SHAARD. We will contact Joan Hostetler for a presentation for 2017.
Katrina Cooper reported that she will be sending in an application to Indiana Genealogical Society for the position of Rush County Genealogist. She has now obtained all the necessary letters of recommendation.
The meeting was adjourned to look at items Gary Crull has given Kevin Harr – obituaries and funeral cards. Others looked at the books given by the library. There were several books that would be helpful for genealogy research.
Katrina Cole Cooper, Secretary
Rush County Genealogical Society
Rush County Genealogical Society Meeting Minutes
August 13, 2016
Seven members journeyed to the Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne, Indiana to do genealogy research. We were given a tour of their resources by John Beatty and he was available through the day for any questions. We went right to work. After several hours of searching, several proclaimed the trip a success. We worked until the Genealogy Center closed and went to eat at Mad Anthony Brewing Company.
President Carol Jones called the meeting to order as there were a few items of importance that need to be discussed. She announced with much regret the resignation of Shirley Biehl as the Society’s treasurer. Marilyn Yeager was nominated to take the position and she agreed. The group approved the nomination.
Carol reported that RCGS received a generous gift of $750 from George Hibben, one of our members. She has sent a thank you for the donation.
Bringing back a matter from previous discussions, Carol suggested that we give a gift of $250 to the Rush County Historical Society for all that they have helped us with in storing our Obituary Binders and various books, articles, and family information. The meeting was adjourned and after eating, the group set out for home.
Katrina Cole Cooper, Secretary
Rush County Genealogical Society
RCGS Historical Home Tour
Saturday, September 10, 2016
Fourteen attended this informative tour of historical homes. We left the City Parking Lot and drove North on Perkins and back down South on Harrison Streets, pointing out various homes and telling of the families who lived in them. A booklet was furnished and at our last stop, the resident of the home seeing her church van out front of her home, came out to find out what was going on. She requested if she could have one of the booklets which we gladly shared.
A special thanks goes to Kevin Harr and Katrina Cooper who organized this tour. A big Thank you to the First Southern Baptist Church that loaned us their fifteen passenger van and for Past Jeff Edwards who drove for us. This worked out so well with the impending rain of the day.
Carol Jones, RCGS advised members of the passing of one of our members, Darlene Palmer of Scipio, Indiana. The Society was listed as one the memorials she would like donations to be given to.
Katrina Cole Cooper, Secretary
Rush County Genealogical Society
Rush County Genealogical Society Meeting Minutes
October 8, 2016
The October 8, 2016 Rush County Genealogical Society meeting was called to order by president Carol Jones with Katrina Cooper, secretary reading the minutes of the June 11th meeting. The minutes were approved. She also read minutes of the August and September, 2016 meetings when the group went to the Allen County Public Library and then our Historical Home Tour.
Treasurer, Marilyn Yager reported a balance of $4094.29 which included a $50.00 memorial gift for Darlene Palmer and $40.00 donation to the First Southern Baptist Church for the use of their van for the Historical Home Tour.
Carol Jones shared Genealogy News announcing the upcoming Indiana Genealogy and Local History Fair at the Indiana State Library on Saturday, October 22nd. National Archives Virtual Genealogy Fair for 2016 can be accessed Wednesday, October 20th and Thursday, October 27th. It can be seen on-line via U-Tube.
Anyone researching ancestors from Ireland were invited to use IrishGenealogy.ie where they have free Index for births that are over 100 years old, for marriages over 75 years and Deaths over 50 years. Indiana Genealogy Society has put out a book, Mapping Indiana which is a good resource for Indiana research. It was noted that this weekend Ancestry.com is hosting Global Cemetery Meet-ups and you can access information on their site for where groups are meeting to work on cemeteries.
It was announced to members that one of our members, George Hibben has given us a gift of $750.00. Carol sent a Thank you letter for this generous donation. She also sent a sympathy card for the death of member Darlene Palmer. Katrina Cooper passed around a copy of her obituary.
Carol is still working on getting a shelf to store books at RCHS. She is working with Steve Mahan to make this happen.
The next item of business was presented by Carol telling members about an opportunity through Indiana Genealogy Society of them sending us a portable scanner and laptop computer and we would need to scan 5 data bases of any size and once that is completed, the scanner and computer would be ours to keep. She will e-mail the officers with specifics and they will discuss pros and cons and any questions they might have about it.
The Obituary project was brought up. We have 1000’s of obituaries and it was decided to continue working on this project.
Carol added that the Beech Settlement is having a Fund-Raising Campaign to raise money for necessary repairs to the building. It was decided to give $500 to the project as we had been waiting since last year’s tour to the Beech Church to know that they were moving ahead with the Renovation.
Discussion turned to the planning of our next programs. Everyone was reminded that we do not meet in the month of December. We had wanted to get photo preservationist Joan Hostetler for 2016 and had not been able to fit her in so we will ask her for March so hopefully weather would be better for her long drive by then.
Katrina Cooper introduced Marilyn Gray Roberts who was visiting for her first time. She had given an interesting program about the Mays/Raleigh area at Center Church and Katrina had suggested her as a speaker in an earlier meeting. We asked her if she might be willing to come in January. She also mentioned an interest in her relative James Havens who was a Methodist Circuit Rider. She agreed to do her program on Mays/Raleigh area.
Carol mentioned that February would then be a Working meeting and she will be out of town at that time. She asked Bill to fill in for her.
If we can get Joan Hostetler for March, then April again will be a Genealogy research working meeting. Larry Stout from the Orange Township area was suggested for May. Marilyn Yager will ask him if he would be interested in giving us a presentation of that area. For June, it was suggested that we might go to a cemetery. Marilyn will do some research to teach members how to and what to take when working on a cemetery. In July we do not meet.
For August, 2017 it was suggested that we travel to the Cincinnati Library with September being a working meeting and October was slated for a second annual Historical Homes Tour with Katrina Cooper in charge.
Eleanor Arnold was suggested as a presenter for November. Carol Jones will be contact person for this event.
Carol brought up one last piece of business. Next month we hold Election of Officers. The proposed slate of officers: Carol Jones – president, Bill Baetz – vice president, Treasurer – Marilyn Yager, Secretary – Katrina Cooper and Historian – Kevin Harr.
Katrina Cooper reported that she had found the last three Civil War Veterans to die in Rush County and has forwarded the information to the Last Veteran project.
Carol Jones adjourned the meeting.
Katrina Cole Cooper, Secretary
Rush County Genealogical Society
Rush County Genealogical Society Meeting Minutes
November 12, 2016
President Carol Jones called the November 12, 2016 meeting of the Rush County Genealogical Society. Secretary Katrina Cooper read the October 8, 2016 meeting minutes and they were approved. Treasurer Marilyn Yager reported our balance is $3634.29. Nineteen were in attendance.
Carol Jones reported that she attended the Fall Dinner/Program meeting for the Rush County Historical Society Thursday, November 10th. The speaker was Bill Goins of Rushville. He discussed the Beech Church Restoration project northwest of Carthage. This is an on-going restoration project that is seeking funding from several sources. Indiana Landmarks has added them to their list of the Ten Most Endangered Historic Buildings. There is a private RCHS donor who will match the RCHS total give up to $1.000. There is a donor in Indianapolis who will match gifts up to $100,000.
Carol also reported that Eleanor Arnold has agree to give a program for our group. We had talked about having her for our November, 2017 meeting previously. She brought up the Obituary project as to whether we should continue with it. It was felt that we should and Donna Tauber volunteered to take some home to work on.
The slate of officers was presented: Carol Jones- President, Bill Baetz – Vice President, Treasurer – Marilyn Yager, Katrina Cooper – Secretary and Historian – Kevin Harr. Donna Tauber motioned that accept the list and Shirley Biehl seconded the motion. The annual meeting of officers was set for Tuesday, November 15, 2016 at 6:30 at the Rushville Library.
Joan Hostetler has agreed to come and do her presentation in March, 2017. She is currently working on a project for the Bicentennial. It is a Scanning project – as searchable catalog – an Indiana Memory database. Carol suggested we might host a Scanathon after her presentation.
Kevin Harr brought to the meeting a project he is involved with. Stolli Glasmir has contacted him and is interested in doing 10 videos on Rush County such as the Princess Theater. The cost of sponsoring a video is $299 and will be on Rush County historic structures. He will give sponsors a master copy of the video. It was suggested that this seemed more in line with the Rush County Historical Society than our group.
Everyone was reminded it is time to send in dues. It is $15 for the year.
Carol next introduced our speaker, Jeannie R. Regan-Dinius, Director of Special Initiatives for the Department of Natural Resources Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology who gave a wonderfully informative presentation on Cemeteries. She spoke of cultural and religious traits of stones and those from different time periods. On early stones, you find just basic information on the person – most were farmers. The material tombstones are made from has changed through the times as well. Everyone enjoyed learning and seeing samples of what she was speaking about via her slide presentation.
Katrina Cole Cooper, Secretary
Rush County Genealogical Society