RCGS Obituary Project
We have recently acquired thousands of obituaries that have been cut out of the Rushville Republican Newspaper over the years. Below you will find a completed alphabetical index.
If you are interested in a copy of any of the obituaries listed on the indexes, please send $1 for each obituary
and a self-addressed, stamped envelope to:
PO Box 54
Rushville, IN 46173
Please make sure you list the names and dates you are interested in.
Click on the letter below for the surname you are looking for:
(You will need Adobe Acrobat to open each letter file)
Aaa-Bee Beg-Byr Cad-Coy Cra-Dye Eak-Fus Ga-Hart Harv-Hy Ia-Kys La-Mar Mas-Mil Min-Nut Oak-Pyl Que-Rys S-Smith Smo-Thom Thor-Wel Wen-Zwi Unknown/RCHS Will S. Meredith
*All of these obituaries appeared in the Rushville Republican and we have received permission from Kevin Green to use them in this project*