Rush County Research
The people listed below are willing to do lookups for Rush County records. Please be patient when asking someone to look up records as a lot of them have full time jobs and can only do lookups as time permits. Also, if you are needing copies of certain records, the people volunteering may ask for a small fee to cover costs of copies, etc.
Anyone willing to do lookups, please contact us so we can add you to the list:
[email protected]
Birth Records
Dixie Meyer
Donna Tauber
Death Records
Dixie Meyer
Kathy Wright
Marriage Records
Donna Tauber
Census Records
Donna Tauber
Land Records
Vicki Ames
Court/Probate Records
The Rushville Public Library will lookup records that are housed in the Library only. They will not go offsite to do lookups. Their website is: